Sunday, January 18, 2009

Using Cursor at DB2

After Stored Procedure, we will learn about how to use Cursor. Output with Cursor or without Cursor will be the same. The differences is just a the process. With Cursor we lock at 1 row only, without cursor we will lock all record.

The advantage of using Cursor
- only lock 1 row
- there are an operation that must use Cursor

The disadvantage of using Cursor
- it become more complex

For example if we want to make a Stored Procedure to update salary depends on job. There are 2 ways that we can do, Stored Procedure with an without Cursor.

This is the Stored Procedure without Cursor, the easier way.

create procedure proc_2(in bonus double,in work varchar(10))
dynamic result sets 1
p1: begin
update staff set salary = salary + bonus where job= work;
end p1

This is the screen shoot
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This is the Stored Procedure without Cursor, more complicated query.

create procedure proc_1(in bonus double,in work varchar(10))
dynamic result sets 1
p1: begin
declare now_salary double;
declare c1 cursor with return for
select salary from staff where job=work;
open c1;
fetch from c1 into now_salary;
close c1;
set now_salary = now_salary + bonus;
update staff set salary = now_salary where job= work;
end p1

This is the screen shoot
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You can run this Stored Procedure at DB2cmd. Just write this command.
"db2 call proc_2(100.0,'Mgr')", but don't forget to connect to the DBMS first.

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